Today, there are a lot of organizations helping people achieve many things. Here at SP4G it is our primary focus to help American girls achieve their academic goals…goals that may be beyond their reach for whatever reason. SP4G is currently setup as a for profit corporation that promises to donate 40-50% of its profit (the maximum allowable and still lets us grow) to charitable organizations that can provide grants and benefits common to our goals. It is our intent to build up enough capital over the next two years to be able to turn 100% non-profit and start developing our own grant programs…this takes some time, people and money. SP4G will maintain full transparency of what it is doing and how it is donating the funds it receives through the purchases of our products. Our products will focus around clothing and accessories for girls and women, designed by Samantha herself and then digitized into goods that can be manufactured here in the USA. Which brings us to another of our goals, keep everything in the USA, from materials to manufacturing, web hosting to delivery…we are proud to be able to do this here in the USA. This might mean that our quality products cost a few pennies more than those mass produced abroad and shipped here in huge containers…but they are well worth it along with the satisfaction you will get knowing you are helping another girl achieve her dreams.
“Me and my dad do a lot of things with each other like camping, drone flying and canoeing. We wanted to do something to help other people. I am about to turn 10, so I can’t really do a lot in business…but I have big ideas. So me and my dad decided to help other girls who want to go further in education that can’t. I love designing and fashion, so what better way for me to design items we use every day and give to charities that can help those girls get more education.”